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Il dipartimento internazionale USB invita ad aderire alla campagna globale di Nkosi Mandela: scuotiamo le Olimpiadi dall’inerzia, fermiamo il genocidio in Palestina


Il dipartimento internazionale USB invita a sostenere la campagna lanciata da Nkosi Z. Mandela, nipote di Nelson Mandela, “Let's shake the Olympics out of their genocidal inertia!”: una richiesta alla direttrice di Etica e Conformità del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale per sanzionare gli atleti dello stato israeliano. Le olimpiadi partono solo tra pochi giorni, mentre l’invito del presidente francese Macron al presidente israeliano Herzog alla cerimonia di apertura è un vero e proprio schiaffo in faccia, mentre continua il genocidio in Palestina.

Riportiamo testo dell’appello e link con cui aderire di seguito:


With just a few days to go until the Paris Olympics, there's no question of letting up the pressure. Join our global campaign by writing to one of the International Olympic Committee's key decision-makers : Pâquerette Girard Zappelli, Director of Ethics and Compliance.

This campaign is endorsed by Nkosi Z. Mandela, global campaigner and grandson of Nelson Mandela. Join him and hundreds of others by sending an email to Ms. Girard Zappelli.

Campaign runs today and tomorrow only. Act now !

Pour la campagne en français, cliquez ici
Three days after the historic ruling by the International Court of Justice on 19 July, and just a few days before the Olympic Games, there's no question of letting up the pressure. Especially since we’ve just learned that Emmanuel Macron has invited Israeli president Isaac Herzog to the opening of the Olympics… a true slap in the face in the light of the recent ruling by the ICJ.

Please help us "up the ante"' by sending an e-mail to Pâquerette Girard Zappelli, Director of Ethics and Compliance at the International Olympic Committee. Mrs Girard Zappelli holds a key position at the IOC and presides over the IOC's strategically important Review Committee. In other words, she has the power to sanction Israeli athletes!

To drive home the message, please send the email in parallel to Christophe De Kepper, Director General of the CIO and Christophe Dubi, Executive Director of the CIO.

Instructions : Select the text of the email by clicking on the "By Email" button below. Then click on "Select All” and send! If you still have time at the end, why not send a couple of tweets: just select "IOC Home" as the recipient.

The Olympic Games are just around the corner. ACT NOW.